Monday, January 31, 2011

i hate those people who come back to your life just to screw it up.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

two days to go.

so school was supposed to start on monday... but last thursday the courier mail said that bbc was closed until next thursday (two days time). so i go back on thursday.

so i found out that i dont have any classes until friday afternoon, which is cool, i guess. and yeah.

so im kinda nervous because i dont exactly know anyone to goes to bbc, and i dont know where im supposed to go and all that stuff...

anyways, tomorrow is australia day and (apparently) im gonna pretend to be all bogan and go to the gold coast and do crap (:

and for my stalker jellyfish :

Monday, January 17, 2011

new year, new start

so i has been over a month since i blogged :)

today is a monday, so i will be starting at brisbane boys college (bbc) in a weeks time. its exciting, nerve racking, and a bit sad. its sad because i leave behind some awesome friends (such as emma :) ) at brisbane adventist college and because it's an all boys school :'(

oh, and the new tablet from bbc. after using a mac for the last 7 and a bit months, i am moving back to windows...

but anyways. today is exactly 4 weeks until valentines day ;)

and some useless information before i post this blog ; i have taken 1940 photos with my camera .